What is Intuitive Business Coaching and why it will change the game for you.

As I'm sure you've gathered by now, our philosophy at THE C.E.OHM is based on what we call 'Going big AND going home'. Loosely translated this means creating big income and impact AND living a big life to match. It's about being unapologetically ambitious AND uncompromising in your quality of life.

You see, like so many of us, I used to operate in an old (and frankly broken) success paradigm. Simply said, my view of the world was a little bit like this: You're either successful and miserable AF or very aligned and fulfilled but broke. I know right? What a load of crap! Yet so many still chase this one-size-fits-all version of success. Sacrificing so much in the process only to get 'there' and wonder what the point was anyway?

That's why we focus on helping you achieve Quantum Success. Ehhh..say what now? Yes quantum success. Quantum success is the kind of success that lights you up instead of burning you out. It's the kind of success that is lasting and meaningful instead of fleeting. It is success rooted in who BE in the world and it is found at the intersection of (hard-core) strategy & (practical) spirituality.

All our coaching (whether it be one-on-one or in a mastermind) is based on this framework. The quantum growth that can be achieved when you combine the practical with the energetics. The systems with the surrender. It's from that space that you business becomes a vehicle for you for feel, be and experience everything you desire instead of it dictating your state of being. Basically, we go to you running your business instead of it running you!


The three ways in which you can work with me and start your journey to quantum success today!

But what if I fail? Oh darling,

but what if you fly???

Single sessions. You're only one decision away from a completely different life.

Sometimes we just need that little extra nudge. That tiny bit of support and laser focussed action. That's where THE C.E.OHM single coaching sessions come in to play. After hours and hours of coaching entrepreneurs worldwide, we distilled the four most high impact area's of business. I'm talking quantum shifts in results all across the board. So we figured it was about time, we offer these instant business tune-ups on the go. Let's go!

All sessions are 90 minutes and include 14 days unlimited (Whatsapp) voicenote support to optimally guide you in implementing all your learnings into your business and life. Any questions, aha-moments, wins or concerns can be shared and will be personally replied to within 12-24 hours. All sessions are $555,- USD.

Your Success Blueprint

Did you know success is as unique as our very fingerprints. But have you ever asked yourself what success is to you? Sounds basic right? But if you really think about it, do you know what truly is important to you? Do you feel fulfilled in your business and life? Or are you, like me once upon a time and so many others, always chasing some elusive dream. Never quite getting 'there'. Always wanting more and feeling frustrated, burnt out and even resentful?

What if I told you there was a different way to do business and life? That there was a model, a blueprint to design a business that lights you up. To feel motivated, excited and ready to take your business to where you want it. A proven system that supports you in your business strategy, decision making and ultimately shifts your whole bottomline. THAT is the power of creating your own success blueprint.

Your Alignment Audit

Sometimes you just need a set of expert eyes on your business. Someone to help you recalibrate, reevaluate and you guessed it...realign! Let's face it, the day to day stuff that comes up can sometimes take us away from seeing our bigger picture and connecting to our highest vision. Not just for our business but also for ourselves.

The Alignement Audit is the perfect boost to take stock of what's working in your business and life (spoiler alert: the two are always connected!) and make inspired, aligned tweaks in your business to optimise your bottomline. I'm talking triple bottomline here; money, time and energy. You walk out of your alignment audit like you've just taken your business to the spa; reinvigorated, reenergised and mostly with a clear and aligned roadmap for the years ahead.

Conscious Start-Up Accelerator

You've got it! Your big bold badass idea for a business. You're an action-taker and ready to bring this dream to life, but.....eehhhh how exactly? Where do you start? What do you do? What is a priority? What business model actually fits best? What can I charge? The list goes on and on... You turn to Google, books, podcasts and find nothing but conflicting strategies and confusion theories. {insert overwhelm here}

Don't worry! I've got you. With the conscious start-up accelerator session, we dive deep into YOUR vision for yourself and your business. From there we carefully craft an aligned plan for you to bring this vision into the 3D and beyond. You will leave the accelerator session with a concrete, measurable roadmap of aligned actions for the coming months. You will have all the tools and support to get started on building that next chapter of your life.

Burning In (not out!)

Feeling burnt out may be the biggest pandemic of our time (eat your heart out Rona ;) The constant stream of impulses, demands, messages, to-do's and expectations can be draining to even the most centered amongst us.The bad news is...this is just going to get worse. The good news is, YOU are the one who can set yourself up to not not just survive the constant flow of pressure, but to actually thrive in it.

How? By taking radical ownership of your energy and making sure you burn in, not out. In our burning in session you will get clear on your unique energy blueprint and set up a framework that will set you up for success. You will feel lit up and move forward with so more clarity, confidence and last but not least...energy!

Don't take my word for it...

This is what others have to say about THE C.E.OHM

When it comes to creating a business, there are loads of people that say they have the perfect way of helping you be successful at it. But none of them focus on the person behind the company until you meet Yaela. She’s all about teaching you how to ‘GO BIG AND GO HOME’, looking at a company being an extension of the person (and not the other way around), and making sure both you and your business keep on growing.

Frederiek Bollen | Content Creator | THAILAND

Working with Yaela was amazing! I was feeling overwhelmed and more than a little lost with everything that I wanted to achieve and all that I had going on. If you need clarity and direction for your business, I highly recommend getting in touch with her.

Erika Blank | Yoga teacher | Certified Health Coach | NEW ZEALAND

I love working with Yaela. With her Deep diving coaching we’ve taken a look at me as a person and my business.

Yaela thinks along with you and provides tools when you need them . She challenges you on a strict and loving  way. Her goal is to make you think bigger about yourself and your business.

Garcia Stans | Sparkle your business | Miss Moneymindset | THE NETHERLANDS

When I decided to invest in myself and hire a business coach, I couldn't have imagined the immense growth both personally and professionally that would be waiting for me on the other side. Not only do I experience so much more enjoyment and pleasure in running my business (Lakwerk), but I also have so much space and energy to turn other dreams and goals into reality. Gaining clarity on what I'm truly masterful in and genuinely enjoy, has turned my day to day into a party!

Jessica Scholten | Co-founder LAKWERK | THE NETHERLANDS